How a mobility strategy can help to attract Generation Z

How a mobility strategy can help to attract Generation Z

Utrecht, 16 May 2023– Generation Z, for a long time they were known as the generation of the future, but meanwhile they’ve become today’s generation. Young people born between 1995 and 2010 are on the eve of entering a positive employment market, or have even already embarked on their professional career. It’s a generation with completely different needs and expectations than most employers are used to. So, as an employer, how do you remain attractive to this new generation, and how can a mobility strategy lend a hand? Vincent van der Meer from XXImo shares three key developments in mobility, which employers should consider in attracting and retaining Generation Z.

  • Sustainability: Never before was a generation so concerned about sustainability as Generation Z. They are extremely conscious of their impact on the environment, and are therefore continuously searching for sustainable solutions. When it comes to choosing an employer, the sustainability of the organisation itself is not the only matter considered, but also the extent to which the terms of employment stimulate sustainability (green terms of employment). For Generation Z, the impact of their (business) travel behaviour is important. The chance to choose sustainable travel options, such as public transport, (shared) bike or shared car, is also preferred at an employer.
  • Bleisure: It sounds like a new concept, Yet the term was first introduced back in 2009. This concept is popular with Generation Z: combining business travel with leisure, such as adding a day off to a business trip in order to do some exploring. Generation Z values experiences more than possessions, so consider flexible working hours, as well as the opportunity to work remotely. This means there is ever more interest in a workation (working from a holiday destination). The younger generation wants an employer that offers this flexibility and suitable travel options.
  • Autonomy: In the past, business travel and associated arrangements, such as booking hotels and transport, were managed entirely by the employer. The younger generation prefers to be in charge. When will they travel, and which type of transport will they choose? What is the accommodation, and can a day of holiday be added? Generation Z wants to make their own decision. The only thing that Generation Z expects of the employer is to make the budget available and to keep the declarations as simple as possible.

Green terms of employment, experiences and a good work-life balance are what today’s generation are looking for. Employers must meet these requirements as much as possible. Therefore, a mobility strategy, prioritising flexibility, sustainability, and freedom of choice, is essential. A mobility platform provides such a solution. Among other things, it offers an insight into carbon emissions, making it easy to choose more sustainable travel options. Also, it maximises freedom, allowing employers to give plenty of room to accommodate employees’ wishes within the confines of a budget. This means that employers remain attractive to today’s labour force and catch the eye of the new generation.

About XXImo

XXImo is the all-in-one mobility platform for employers, combining expense management, international travel, and mobility. Using XXImo, employers can establish their entire mobility strategy for all employees based on business rules. Colleagues are then given complete freedom to travel as they wish within this framework. With a wide selection of smart payment options plus a handy app, they can plan, book and pay for their travel daily. From public transport and hotel accommodation, right down to shared mobility and e-charging. Since all costs, payments and declarations are processed in a single platform, employers benefit from just one invoice including VAT, one report, a central view of mobility emissions and only one supplier contract. In short: better comprehension and control for the employer, and more flexibility for the employee.

XXImo was founded in 2011 and is part of AutoBinck Group – a Dutch family business that has since become one of the key players in the European mobility market, with diverse ventures targeting mobility tomorrow and beyond. The company turns over 1 billion euros, is active in eight European countries and has more than 1,600 employees.